Camping 2024-2025:

Pack 55 schedules 3 campouts per year.

  • October 19-20: Enchanted Rock

    • Activities start at 12 pm (TBD) on Saturday.
      Evite will be sent 2-3 weeks prior to the event and will include the full schedule and other details.

    • A medical release form is required.

  • December 8-9: Moody Gardens, Galveston

    • More info to come

  • January 25-26: Polar Bear Campout at CubWorld

  • April 12-13: Spring Campout, Location TBD

Also be sure to check out the list of  what to bring on a campout and Camping Do's and Don'ts.


Q. What should I bring? 
A. See what to bring on a campout.

Q. What meals are provided?
A. Typically Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.  You are on your own for Saturday lunch and Sunday lunch.  It is best to have Saturday lunch before you arrive as you will be busy upon arriving.

Q. Must we attend for the whole duration?
A. No.  We realize other activities are occurring in life.  Common cases have scouts arriving late after morning or early afternoon sports activities, or leaving Saturday night after fire-side skits.  Tell your Den Leader or other member of your den.

Q. Does the campout start on Friday or Saturday?
A. Planned Pack activities generally start around noon (check for specifics of the campout!) on Saturday going through Sunday noon.  Our campsites are generally reserved starting Friday for optional, additional camping.  You are on your own for Friday through the start of Pack activities on Saturday.

Q. Are additional family members--both parents and siblings--allowed to attend campouts?
A. Yes, unless there is a particular group size restriction, in which case we'll advertise this.  Note that siblings will not be able to participate in all scout activities (e.g., BB guns)

Q. Are tents set up as a group with my Den?
A. No, not unless directed otherwise by your Den Leader.  This provides an opportunity to meet others outside your Den, and gives your scout an opportunity to explore finding others of the den.

Q. What is this Two Deep Leadership and Buddy System? 
A. Two Deep Leadership:  A part of BSA's protection of our scouts, you, an adult, may not be in the presence of a non-family-member youth unless there is another unrelated adult visibly present.  This applies to leaders and non-leaders.  This applies at all times.  Example 1:  You and your scout are exploring the camp-grounds.  Two scouts approach you and your scout to join in the exploration.  You must leave as you are a lone adult amongst a youth who is not your child.  Example 2:  You are asked to guide scouts to another part of the camp-ground.  You must find another unrelated adult to maintain the two adult Two Deep Leadership.
Buddy System:  In any scouting activity where scouts disperse (or when swimming), the scouts are to form 2 or 3 member Buddy groups.  It is the responsibility of the scout to stay with their buddy(s).  Buddy groups may change up but everyone needs to be in a Buddy group and know their Buddy(s).  We will do frequent Buddy Checks.